ADHD Counseling
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, can have long-term implications, if left unaddressed.
Children who can’t regulate their focus, have difficulty with physical and/or verbal impulsivity, and/or who have trouble consistently managing their behavior, are often redirected or in trouble in school.
This can lead to rejection by peers, difficulty making friends, and challenges with academic success. Frustrations over this behavior can lead to low self esteem, as well as family friction, and parent anger and impatience.
With the right support, children and parents can learn tools for improving self regulation, managing problematic behaviors, improving communication between home and school, as well as how to advocate for the necessary accommodations and help.
For more information about our ADHD counseling, and/or to schedule your initial 15-min. phone consultation, please click here, or call 267-405-3114, or email [email protected].